Breakout-like ⚡ Miku Jam 2017

Genre: Side-scroller, Breakout-like
Platforms: Web / HTML5
Timeline: 1 week
Team: 3 people
My Role: Designer, Artist/Animator
Tools: HaxeFlixel, Aseprite
• We won the game jam and prizes!
• First time making a Haxe web game
• Learned Aseprite animation features
• Met Crypton Future Media staff and got a shout out from Miku herself!

This is a simple Breakout-style game where you control Hatsune Miku and bounce music notes around with a paddle to break blocks with the added mechanics of enemies and power ups.
I made this game jam game with Liam Fratturo (co-game designer and programming) and Harry Lodes ft. Hatsune Miku (music) for the Miku Jam with Playcrafting & Crypton Future Media that took place as part of the finale to the Playcrafting Halloween Expo in New York City!
Playing the game
Rules: Angle paddle to launch music notes to break blocks and hit enemies. Don’t let the notes fall past the left screen or let Miku get hit by an enemy. Break blocks to get upgrades. Play ends when Life is 0, level and music loops.
Move: Mouse (automatically follows cursor), WASD, Arrow Keys
Angle Paddle (default is straight): Mouse Left/Right Click, Q/E or Z/X
Sound Volume: + and – keys | ※ Sound issues in some browsers

We were pleasantly surprised to be chosen as the winners of the event and appreciated our game Super Slime Arena (which we were showing at Halloween Expo at the same time) also being included!
Although we had some features that were not completed in time, including a boss fight at the end with a captured (?) Tako Luka, I’m still very happy with what we were able to accomplish in the short amount of time we had. Maybe we’ll make a complete version later.